SSM Holiday Concerts this year are:
Sunday December 9 time TBD afternoon Great Wolf Lodge Sonora and Prelude
Saturday December 15 tune 10:30 play 11:00 Capitol Lakes Books 1-2
Sunday December 16 tune 1:30 play 2:00 Olbrich Gardens Book 3- Sonora
scroll down to HOLIDAY MUSIC PDF scroll down to Holiday Music PDF
Great Wolf Lodge concert Sunday December 9 will have a sign up for Prelude and Sonora students. Time to be secured soon and will be afternoon so that we have lots of time to swim. Repertoire will be same as Olbrich Gardens concert.
Capitol Lakes Book 1-2 concert Tuesday December 11 at 4:00- pm preceding the Olbrich Gardens rehearsal.
Concert is Saturday December 15 at the Capitol Lakes Retirement Center Auditorium. Parking is located across the street. Please be sure to take a ticket and have it validated at the front desk.
Capitol Lakes is located at 333 West Main Street, not far from the Wisconsin State Capitol.
Download the Capitol Lakes handout
Olbrich Gardens Concert Book 3-Sonora
Dress rehearsal is Tuesday December 11 at 4:45 pm in Bradfield Hall.
Performance is Sunday December 16. Tune 1:30 Perform 2:00
Download the Olbrich Gardens handout
Olbrich Gardens 2017
book 1-2 holiday concert 2017