Two special events for our families:
100 Day Club
last chance to sign up at the playin May 14!
when: Tuesday May 21 at 4:30-6:00 pm
where : Vitense Golf Land 5501 Schroeder Road
what: 1 round of golf for the students in the 100 day club and pizza and a drink after golfing fun.
Madison Mallards Suzuki Day at the Duck Pond
when : Saturday June 8
Star Spangled Banner rehearsal 5:15 at Shabbazz parking lot 1601 N. Sherman right before game
Perform national anthem on the pitchers mound at 6:05 ( wear SSM tshirt and jeans)
print your music:
Star Spangled Banner upper register
Star Spangled Banner lower register
Reserve your tickets now- for family and friends $12.00 each check to SSM or cash
Reservation deadline is Tuesday May 28. text Diana 608-695-4020 or email
Name of family and amount of tickets ( performer needs a ticket)