We are grateful you could spend Tuesdays with SSM this Fall.
All of us at SSM wish you a peaceful and healthy end of the year.
We have a FINAL fall ZOOM Group class, Tuesday December 8 and Friday December 11.
See you in 2021!
Winter 2021 Group classes
January 12, 19
February 2, 9, 16
March. 2, 9, 16, 23
April 6, 13, 20
Please stay in your same group and time unless contacted by your teacher.
Any students who opted out of Zoom groups are most warmly welcome to join back.
Please note that the last Tuesday of the month is a Zoom Group Day Off.
We will hold SOLO RECITALS on the Sunday of that week instead.
Tuition for Zoom groups can be paid online . PAY TUITION button.
First child: $153
Second child: $ 137.70
Solo Recitals
January 24
February 21
March 21
April 25
Recitals on Zoom will begin 2:00 pm on these Sundays.
These are all SSM student solo recitals. Play for and/or hear your SSM friends monthly!
Studio teachers may continue to hold additional recitals .
Opportunities for a variety of workshops will be regularly posted . These may be anywhere in the world given the Zoom platform. Take advantage of any you may find interesting.
SSM is working on having a special event workshop for our families at his Winter/Spring.
Posting of livestream concerts, interesting links and all things musical are posted on our
Suzuki Strings of Madison Facebook page- check us out there !
Best wishes into the new year!