Join Suzuki Strings of Madison in an outdoor Play-In at Hoyt Park 3902 Regent Street
Date: Tuesday May 25
Time : arrival 4:30-4:45
Play-In: 5:00
Who: Violin ( all levels -pre twinkle through Sonora ) Violas and Cellos !
A few details:
Please TUNE at HOME
Please arrive between 4:30-4:45 to insure a timely 5:00 pm start of joy-filled music making
Please bring a blanket and/or chairs for your family pod , you can join the group to play (we will adhere to safe space )or stand and play from your family spot !
… case of RAIN OR SHINE you will be contacted a bit after 1:00 pm by email or text from your home teacher as to the status of the Play-In .
Either way you will be informed if we are CONFIRMING meeting to play or the rain has sadly CANCELLED us out.