Tuesday Nov. 30 PlayIn and December group/concert information

Please find below, the Play In schedule, December group class schedule and information regarding our three holiday concerts: Olbrich Gardens ,Cello Ensemble Solstice and Capitol Rotunda.

Tuesday November 30 is the final Play In of 2021

4:30 Violin Pre-twinkles Room 1C and Cello Pre-Twinkles Room 1D

4:45 Violin Books 1-3 tune in 4D

5:00-5:45 Play in Begins for Violin Books 1-3 and Violin Pre-twinks

5:30 Cello Ensemble Books 2-5 in Room 1D

5:30 Violin Books 4-5 tune in hallway outside of 4D

5:45-6:45 Play in for Violin Books 4-5

5:30 SONORA in Room 4A

5:30 ZOOM violin group class

5:00-7:00 Solo Recital rehearsal in 2D

7:00 Cello Ensemble Books 6 and up in 1D


Sunday 5 Solo Recital Oakwood Village tune 1:30 play 2:00

Tuesday 7 all group classes

Sunday 12 Sonora – Olbrich Gardens tune 1:00 perform 1:30

Tuesday 14 all group classes

Friday 17 Madison Cello Ensemble Solstice Concert and Benefit 5:00 dinner 6:30 concert. All at Holy Wisdom Monastery

Saturday 18 Violin Books 2-5 – Holiday Concert State Capitol first floor rotunda

tune 2:30 perform 2:45


Classes Resume Tuesday January 4, 2022


State Capitol Book 2-5 Sonora Olbrich Madison Cello Ensemble Solstice Holy Wisdom

12/18. 12/12. 12/17.