Please read the timeline carefully for both the Violins and Cellos for our concert tomorrow, Saturday , MAY 14 at the Middleton Performing Arts Center.
Concert starts at 3:00 pm
Note the arrival times below for celli and violins.
Middleton Performing Arts Center
ALL MUSICIANS and families will enter the Middleton Performing Art Center from the quadruple doors off the free parking lot on LEE STREET.
Access the Middleton PAC from University Avenue to Bristol then Lee Street. The Performing Arts Center is next to the Middleton Cross Plains Swimming Pool.
Reception to follow at Firemen’s Park which is directly across from the PAC.
Drinks provided by SSM . Please bring a treat to share ( keep in car during performance). Thank you to Sunghee and Sarah for coordinating the reception .
Madison Cellos Ensemble
Arrival : 2:00 pm
Cases will be stored back stage.
Remember your end pin straps.
Chairs provided , bring your stool if you use one.
Suzuki Strings of Madison
Arrival : 2:30
Sonora cases back stage.
Twinkler families will be seated together
All other violinists keep your case with you in the audience
MASKS are required for all in attendance.
Thank you for a wonderful year .
We are looking forward to hearing beautiful music shared by all of our students .