Fantastic Folk and Fiddle workshop : collaboration between SSM/ MCE the Sugar Maple Festival and friends.

Fantastic Folk and Fiddle workshop 
A four-day musical immersion and celebration of folk and fiddle music for young string players ages 10-15.
( younger with teacher recommendation )
August 3rd. 1-5 pm
August 4th. 1-5 pm 
August 5th. 2-4 pm
Above classes all at MYArts . 
August 5th and 6th all day family passes to Sugar Maple Festival included in registration .
August 6th. Students participating will perform in the afternoon with MadFiddle on the festival grounds .
Lake Farm County Park 
3101 Lake Farm Road 
Classes led by Shauncey Ali, founder of Mad Fiddle and the internationally acclaimed Henhouse Prowlers
Early bird registration ends July 15! 
Register here for the Fantastic Folk and Fiddle Workshop:

More info at :
This event is a collaboration between these partner organizations : 
Sugar Maple Music Festival 
Suzuki Strings of Madison 
Madison Cello Ensemble
Music Con Brio
WYSO Music Makers 