Play in next Tuesday!

A brief reminder that violins have a play-in on Tuesday, January 31st–5:15 Tune, 5:30 Play.  During the play-in, Erika Sterli will be leading a parent talk about Suzuki Summer Institutes from 5:30-6:30.    Sonora will join in for the play-in.

Thank you to everyone who has completed registration and payment for the winter/spring semester.  Payment is due by the end of January.  A late fee of $16 will be applied if payment is made after January 31st.  Click here to complete payment!

We have FREE tickets available to a variety of performances!
Geneva Lewis, violin with Evren Ozel, piano: Friday, January 27th (10 tickets available)
WI Union Theater, UW
Jazz at Lincoln Center 2023: February 4th, 2023 (6 tickets available)
Overture Center
Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra: Sound the Trumpet: February 24th, 2023 (8 tickets available)
Overture Center
To request tickets, please email


Spring gets busy!  Please put these upcoming dates for your calendar.  Specific details for various events and performances are being worked out and will be provided as soon as they’re available.


February 5: Solo Recitals at Madison Christian 1:30 & 3:30
March 11: Bach Around the Clock performance
April 18: Danish String Quartet field trip
March 21: Special Group Class: Women and Black Composers 5:30-6:30
March 28: no groups – Spring Break
May 16: 5:30 pm dress rehearsal for Spring Concert
May 20: 3:00 pm Spring Concert, Middleton PAC
June 4: Graduation Recital
June 10: 4:05 pm Mallards Star Spangled Banner
June 21: Make Music Madison
Aug. 1-5: Fantastic Folk and Fiddle (FFF)