Play-in this Tuesday!

A brief reminder that violins have a play-in on Tuesday, January 31st–5:15 Tune, 5:30 Play.  During the play-in, Erika Sterli will be leading a parent talk about Suzuki Summer Institutes from 5:30-6:30.    Sonora will join in for the play-in.

Group class tuition is due January 31st.  Thank you to everyone who has completed registration and payment for the winter/spring semester.  A late fee of $16 will be applied if payment is made after January 31st.  Click here to complete payment!

We have FREE tickets available!
Jazz at Lincoln Center 2023: February 4th, 2023 (6 tickets available)
Overture Center
Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra: Sound the Trumpet: February 24th, 2023 (8 tickets available)
Overture Center
To request tickets, please email


Cold Weather and Winter Reminders-Be safe!
– Use your humidifiers! Remember distilled water in your damp-its.
-Heat your cars before loading instruments to avoid bridge falling, cracks and strings popping!
-Carrying cellos on your back is risky business in snow and ice.  Its rare, but in the past 20 years two of our cellists have slipped,  crushing their instruments!
 Take extra caution on snow and ice and carry your cello in your hand, not on your back.  Best to hold and carry with the bridge facing inward towards your body. And do not roll the hard case on bumpy walks, it can rattle things loose!


Save the Date: Sunday, April 16th.  Dalcroze Workshop presented by Dr. Jeremy Dittus in Whitefish Bay.  Click here to register!  See below for other items to add to your calendar.


Winter Solstice Concert: MCE and String Ensemble

This video features the string orchestra and cello ensemble performing the Ukrainian Bell Carol as a part of the Global Cello Peace Project in solidarity with the Ukraine.  MCE/SSM joined the project by contributing to the fund supporting  children’s health services in the Ukraine. We joined hundreds  of cellists performing the piece around the world on the 2022 Solstice!

Both projects also shared the quintessential Vivaldi g minor doubled concerto performed by over 30 MCE cellists with the help of parents Flora van Wormer,  Tina Thompson and Erika Sterili and alumni! What joy to play together for amazing causes! Excerpts from our  Solstice performance were featured on both the Cello Museum ( London based) and the Make Music Alliance ( Austin based) broadcasts! Congratulations MCE/String Orchestra-
Thank you parents and guests who contributed to the benefit supporting Briarpatch’s Planned Parenthood Education programs and the MCE Callan Bird-Bear scholarship fund.  Our young musicians raised over $2000! MCE and SSM students make a difference creating beauty and compassion with their music and giving.
Many thanks to our MCE/SSM faculty, MYArts partners, the families and students whose hard work, donations  and commitment made the Solstice Benefit a memorable and meaningful! On the darkest of nights our young musicians  bring light into the world!  Please enjoy a video of the Vivaldi g minor double cello concerto from the Solstice Concert.


MCE Giving Update:

Madison Cello Ensemble awarded over $5000 in scholarships through the Callan Bird-Bear fund in 2022. MCE Students busked on State Street, performed at corporate events and donated services such as babysitting and snow shoveling to support the fund. The young cellists community service giving epitomizes the MLK quote, “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve.” 1968-from “Solving Social Ills”.


Spring gets busy!  Please put these upcoming dates for your calendar.  Specific details for various events and performances are being worked out and will be provided as soon as they’re available.
February 5: Solo Recitals at Madison Christian 1:30 & 3:30
March 11: Bach Around the Clock performance
April 18: Danish String Quartet field trip
March 21: Special Group Class: Women and Black Composers 5:30-6:30
March 28: no groups – Spring Break
May 16: 5:30 pm dress rehearsal for Spring Concert
May 20: 3:00 pm Spring Concert, Middleton PAC
June 4: Graduation Recital
June 10: 4:05 pm Mallards Star Spangled Banner
June 21: Make Music Madison
Aug. 1-5: Fantastic Folk and Fiddle (FFF)