On January 4-6 Sonora Strings drove to Door County to perform and continue our musical exchange as guests of the Midsummers’s Music Festival and the Griffon String Quartet. This is now the second year that we have been invited by MMF, and we look forward to making this an annual event. Sonora baked, sold , and distributed over 115 bags of dozen cookies whose proceeds paid for our housing in a large Door County Lodge.
Once in Door County we presented two formal concerts for the Gibraltar School District in Fish Creek for students in grades 1-5, as well as hosted an instrument petting zoom to help the fifth graders get acquainted with stringed instruments. Our Sonora students were so engaged and comfortable in this activity that the Fish Creek students kept coming back to try the violin many times. Our exchange also involved young Suzuki violinists from the studios of the Griffon String Quartet members. Sonora and the GSQ Suzuki kids played icebreaker games, shared meals and made lots of music together . SSM teachers Paran and Diana also taught group classes for the GSQ students while Roy and Alex ( an SSM alum and student of Diana’s ) worked with Sonora.
Sonora Strings finished their outreach by performing a public concert in Sturgeon Bay on Jan 6 as part of this Griffon String Quartet Winter retreat. Lots of fun and community building was had at the lodge practicing, playing games together. We even took a tour at Crossroads at Big Creek led by the amazing naturalist Coggin.
It is a privilege to travel with Sonora . Sharing their musicianship and warm inclusivity made our exchange with the area students a success. Thank you Sonora , director Paran, and Mandy our parent chaperone that kept all things running smoothly. Scroll down to see pictures!
2nd Semester Tuition DUE 1/30
2nd semester tuition is due next Tuesday, January 30th. Please avoid a late fee and pay today! Click here to pay tuition.
Play-In Reminder: Next Tuesday, January 30th at 5:15PM
Spring Calendar
Click here to see SSM and MCE spring calendar dates!
Pop-up Book Club: Tuesday, February 13th, 2024
Please join your MCE teachers for a Pop-Up Book Club at MYArts 4th floor atrium!
Tuesday, February 13th, 2024 from 5:15 to 6:15
The MCE Cello Faculty will host a parent-teacher pop-up one-time Valentine’s Day book club to meet and discuss Suzuki’s quintessential classic book Nurtured by Love. We will explore the importance of the parent/teacher/child triangle, second language approach, and other ideas integrating 21st-century spins and perspectives, recent trends, and research into children’s development and applications to our very busy lives! Daycare provided. Here is a link to download the book! https://archive.org/details/nurturedbylovecl00suzu/page/n131/mode/2up