Play-in on Tuesday!

Violin March Play-in

Our March play-in is this Tuesday!  Since we have NO classes on Tuesday, March 26th for Spring Break, we will hold our play-in on Tuesday, March 19th.  5:15 Tune, 5:30 Play.  This will be a special play-in featuring Suzuki duets, fiddle tunes, string ensemble trio and a special surprise by SSM violin faculty!

Remake Learning Days–SSM Open House

Spread the word!  Suzuki Strings will be holding an open house on Tuesday, April 23rd from 4:15-6pm.  Participants will be able to engage in a Violin and Viola Petting Zoo, participate in Music and Movement classes, and experience Pre-Twinkle Violin and Book 1 Violin sessions.  Invite your friends!  More info HERE.

Suzuki Strings will also be performing at the Madison Children’s Museum as a part of their Remake Learning Days celebration on Saturday, April 27th at 2pm.  Stop by and join the fun!

Congratulations Lydia and Milo!

Lydia Elwert and Milo Burns have been selected to perform the Bach Double with the Milwaukee Symphony!   They will be performing alongside 6 other winners on Wednesday, April 10th.  For more information, click HERE.

North Shore Suzuki Strings Workshop

Join the North Shore Suzuki Strings Workshop in Shorewood, Wisconsin on April 27th!  Early registration ends on April 13.

More info can be found HERE and a Review Sheet HERE

Overture Community Ticket Program

Suzuki Strings takes part in Overture Center’s Community Ticket program.  The Community Ticket Program helps ensure that all people, regardless of economic ability, have access to the performing arts. Through partnerships with more than 100 local social services organizations, the program reaches families throughout Dane County that are able to receive tickets for $3, and Broadway shows are $4.25.  Occasionally we will be offered tickets for certain shows, and I’ll post them here.  If you’re interested, please email for ticket ordering instructions.

Current Ticket Offerings:



Masterworks IV features the WORLD PREMIERE of Symphony No. 14 Revelation by Dr. Bill Banfield. The Composer in Residence for the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, Dr. Banfield has produced new works and helped in developing new audiences in our community. Guest artists include the Madison Youth Choirs, Festival Choir of Madison, Edgewood College Chamber Singers, and Angela Brown soprano, along with a variety of soloists to be announced. Opening the concert is Symphony No. 1 in G major op. 4, composed in 1901 by British composer Edwin York Bowen, whose music shows influences by Rachmaninov, Chopin and Tchaikovsky.

Mallards Fundraiser

SSM SAVE THE DATE: Mallards “Star Spangled Banner” performance and fundraiser–Saturday, June 15th.  This is a very fun outing and a successful fundraiser for SSM, please make plans to attend!  Violins and Violas will perform.  More details on ticket purchasing soon.

Spring Calendar

We have an UPDATED spring calendar for you!  Click HERE to view and PRINT.