Dear Parents

Dear Parents,


Suzuki Strings of Madison is more than just private studio classes and weekly group classes.
On the final Tuesday of each month we gather as a program from our littlest beginners to our seasoned Sonora  teenagers for a Play-in.  We come together musically with shared repertoire in the Suzuki method but also seasonal music, traditional fiddling tunes, music by black composers and additional music group classes are working on.
This allows us to be prepared to participate  in the  many community performances SSM provides out in the community.  Performing together in a group performance or on solo recitals gives students a sense of accomplishment.  Our performances range from the less formal like our upcoming Halloween concert to the most formal in our end of year  Spring concert.


Please join us this coming Saturday, October 26 at the State Capitol.
Dress: Halloween costumes
Tuning: 10:30 – please be aware it’s UW Homecoming and allow for parking and travel delays
Play: 11:00
Where: first floor rotunda inside the Capitol


Upcoming concerts in 2024


October 26 Halloween concert 11 am – all welcome


November 2 solo recital
12 pm ( note time) Oakwood Village


December 7
Great wolf lodge
4 pm performance
Book 4/5 and Sonora


December 14
Overture lobby pre show to Nutcracker 12:15 pm
Book 4/5 and Sonora


December 15
Capitol Lakes 2 pm
Books 1-3


December 15
Overture lobby pre show to Nutcracker


December 17
MYArts 5:30
Sonora Strings tour concert
Hot cocoa social


Click HERE to view and print our 2025 spring calendar!


With a twinkling spirit,