Save the Date: Bach Around the Clock

Save the Date: Bach Around the Clock

SSM Violins will perform at Bach Around the Clock on Saturday, March 8–time TBD.  The performance will take place at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church (1833 Regent St, Madison, WI).

Save the Date: Suzuki Strings at the Mallards!

Save the date for Saturday, June 7th–SSM will be the featured non-profit and perform the Star Spangled Banner at the Mallards game–6:05 game time.  Stay tuned for more details, including a tuning time and ticket info.  This is a large fundraiser for SSM–please join us!

Save the Date: Sonora Performance

Sonora performs on Sunday, March 2nd at “Sunday Afternoon: Live at the Chazen” at the Chazen Art Museum.  Performance begins at 12:30pm.  Come by to support Sonora and spend the afternoon listening to some beautiful music!  This is a free ticketed event.

Spring Calendar

SSM Barn Dance–Saturday, February 15th

You don’t want to miss the SSM Barn Dance on Saturday, February 15th!  SSM students will perform fiddling tunes, followed by community dancing with a bluegrass band and caller.  Students will be working on fiddling tunes in group classes to prepare for this event. Saturday February 15, Goodman Community Center (214 Waubesa St, Madison). Fiddling and Dancing 4-6PM (open to the public).  Potluck 6-8PM (SSM students and families.)

Please match the level  of your student (consult with your home teacher) for repertoire to learn for this fun event.  The links to purchase the books are listed below. We have used these books in all previous barn dance events. Learn as many tunes as you can!

This project is supported by Dane Arts with additional funds from the Frautchi and Rowland Foundations, Diane Ballweg, and the Endres Mfg. Company Foundation.

February Review List

Click HERE to view and print!


Monday Viola and Mixed-Level Violin Classes at Covenant

Classes will meet January 13/27, February 10/24, March 10/31, April 14/28.


Overture Center Community Ticket Program

Suzuki Strings takes part in Overture Center’s Community Ticket program.  The Community Ticket Program helps ensure that all people, regardless of economic ability, have access to the performing arts. Through partnerships with more than 100 local social services organizations, the program reaches families throughout Dane County that are able to receive tickets for $3, and Broadway shows are $4.25.  Occasionally we will be offered tickets for certain shows, and I’ll post them here.  The promo code for the concerts is SUZUKI.

Community Ticket Upcoming Opportunities:

Forward Theater – Summer, 1976: 15 tickets available, 3 tickets per patron, orchestra side sections and balcony only. Recommended for ages 6 and up.  Saturday, February 8th – 7:30pm, Friday, February 14th – 7:30pm, Saturday, February 15th – 7:30pm

Madison Ballet – Mozart and More: 15 tickets available, 3 tickets per patron, no seating restrictions. This performance will be at the MyArts Center on 1055 E. Mifflin St. Madison, WI 53703. Friday, February 14th – 7:00pm, Saturday, February 15th – 2:00pm, Saturday, February 15th – 7:00pm, Sunday, February 16th – 2:00pm, Friday, February 21st – 7:00pm, Saturday, February 22nd – 2:00pm, Saturday, February 22nd – 7:00pm, Sunday, February 23rd – 2:00pm

Children’s Theater of Madison – Cinderella: 10 tickets available, 3 tickets per show, balcony only. Recommended for all ages. Friday, February 21st – 7:00pm, Saturday, February 22nd – 7:00pm, Sunday, February 23rd – 2:30pm

Madison Symphony Orchestra – Organ, Limmie Pulliam: 20 tickets available, 4 tickets per patron, no restrictions. Recommended for ages 6 and up. Tuesday, February 25th – 7:30pm

Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra – Masterworks III: 25 tickets available, 5 tickets per patron, balcony only. Recommended for ages 6 and up. Friday, February 28th – 7:30pm