Happy September!
Hope the back to school transition is going well for everyone. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone next Tuesday at MyArts!
Group Class Tuition Rates and Registration
Group Class registration is live on the website!
To register your child for group classes, please click here.
Once registration is completed, please visit the online store to pay here.
The Play-In on Sept. 27 is at Rennebohm Park with the following schedule:
5:00 pm Tuning
5:15 pm Play
6:00 pm Food
7:30 pm Cello rehearsal
Please bring your own table service (dishes, utensils)
Please bring a main dish that serves 4-6 and a dish listed below:
A-F Salad
G-L Dessert
M-R Appetizer
S-Z Drinks and/or individual snack packages
September Review List
Twinkle Variations
Lightly Row
Song of the Wind
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
May Song
Minuet 3
Long Long Ago & Variation
The Two Grenadiers
Lully Gavotte
Bach Minuet
Bach Bourree
Seitz Concerto no.5, 3rd mvt.
Bohm Perpetual Motion
Vivaldi Concerto in a minor, 2nd mvt
Country Dance
Handel Sonata No. 3 in F, 2nd mvt
Rameau Gavotte
Mozart Minuet
Bach Gigue