We have a play-in on Tuesday! We look forward to seeing our violinists for 5:15 tune, 5:30 play in 4D. Maria-Rosa will be presenting a parent talk on listening at 5:30 in room 4C. Listening links for Suzuki Recordings can be found here!
Students preparing for the March 5th recital: Tuesday’s recital rehearsal will be at assigned times in room 4A. Recital is March 5 at St. Andrews Episc. at 2:00 pm (tune 1:30 pm) Parking available at Randall Elementary School.
A reminder to purchase tickets for the spring SSM/MCE field trip with the Danish String Quartet, on April 18th at 7:30. Click here to purchase and here for more details about the event. Deadline to purchase tickets in 3/1. Invite your friends and family! We’ll all sit together in the balcony.
Save the Date: Sunday, April 16th. Dalcroze Workshop presented by Dr. Jeremy Dittus in Whitefish Bay. Click here to register!
Spring gets busy! Please put these upcoming dates for your calendar. Specific details for various events and performances are being worked out and will be provided as soon as they’re available.
March 28: no groups – Spring Break
May 16: 5:30 pm dress rehearsal for Spring Concert
May 20: 3:00 pm Spring Concert, Middleton PAC
June 10: 4:05 pm Mallards Star Spangled Banner
June 21: Make Music Madison
Aug. 1-5: Fantastic Folk and Fiddle (FFF)